I don't think they are using this.

of course, but may I share it with you anyway:

Boob Bumping or how Ladies Bond

Have you seen this video yet? I just did and I am not sure what I just watched, by the fine folks at Broad City. Okay, so I had some semblance of what I watched. It wasn't Redtube; it was very New York. As a new inhabitant of the city, I could say it registered with some of my experiences. 

Save, I have yet to run amock on the streets and find myself boob-bumping Amy Poehler. Yes, I have dreamt about boob-bumping Amy Poehler and I have waken up to hard sheets because of that. But that is between my priest and me. 

Boob bumping, as demonstrated in above video, is a classic tie between women's souls. When you bump boobs with a woman, you can't go back. You are more than friends; you are "soul sisters." You are like it is 2001 and you are all the collaborators on the Lady Marmalade song. 

When Amy is derailed by a vengeful pack of oranges, the girls of our video, who are busy rushing everywhere in the search of pastries and WILL NOT compromise their weed or booze budgets thank you very much, she reminds them that they boob-bumped and are therefore linked in a way that God can never take away.

Watch the video; learn the ways of sacred womanhood the Ya-Yas could never teach you. 


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