Anthony Harris interview!

Here at the Useless Critic, we (i.e.: me) think it's about time we "sat down" and had a real interview with a musician. Mr. Anthony Harris of the United Kingdom was nice enough to volunteer!

An up-and-coming "electronic/ambient/progressive" musician, the 20-year-0ld is on the verge of releasing an EP within the coming month (although you can download some of his songs from the below websites), in addition to other things. Citing influences from Explosions In the Sky, Jeff Buckley and Aphex Twin, he also is a huge fan of the literature of Douglas Coupland. And worth a listen. Or several. THOUSAND. "I'll Be Here, Waiting" is my personal favorite.
Here is my Q&A session with the man.

1.) you've got an interesting, eclectic set of influences. when and why did you start recording?

Yeah, I tend to listen to a lot of stuff and pick bits from it that I'd like to use in my stuff, my playlist goes from metal stuff like Mastodon and Lamb of God right through to drone/ambient stuff like Stars of the Lid and Fuck Button. I started writing and recording in late 2007 and have basically spent the last year and a bit messing with tracks. It doesn't always show from my work load to the output how much I've probably got 10-15 tracks as "work in progress" at any one time.

2.) I've actually never read anything by Douglas Copeland (writer's note: sry). this is bad. what do you recommend by him?

"Generation X" is his most known book, it's a good starting point. I'd recommend reading "Microserfs" and "Jpod" if you're slightly geeky/into computer related things and jokes.

3.) You're writing stuff for independent films- what films? and what about your own short film?

I'm writing a few pieces for my friends film "Growing Pains" which is about the youth life of our home city Coventry, my personal film is about 3 different people who've been diagnosed with different mental disorders but consider themselves to be normal in their own group and basically function as well as a unit when compared to 3 "normal" people.

4.) I see you've got a few shows coming up in England. do you plan to tour out of England someday?

I'd love to play outside of England, it's just getting the chance too and also having enough money too, I can't really justify going to the US to play just one gig but if someone could offer me a string of dates with some kind of financial security at some point in the future I'd love to play abroad.

let's hope he does!

5.) I know this is kind of dumb, but also: where is that artwork on your website from? I enjoy it.

The background on my myspace was drawn for me by Rachel Renualt (

(it is pretty snazzy)

6.) what are you listening to these days? and also reading?

I've been listening to a lot of Melodium, Mono, the new Mastodon album, Pure Reason Revolution and Oceansize. I've been reading "Naive," "Super" (for the second time), "No-one Belongs Here More Than You" by Miranda July and "Rule By Secrecy" by Jim Marrs

7.) what are your upcoming plans, besides the release of your EP?

Hopefully play more gigs, try and record a full length album and also try and play a few festivals in the summer time.

2009 should be a big year for him. For the .... UK readers, here are his upcoming shows:
March 26- The Dry Pub- Manchester
April 3- Bullet Bar, Camden- London


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