"Impeccable Kindness" has joined their sibling as a paperback!

Yes, I'm referring to my books as children. It's only marginally better than referring to the GPs as my daughters. It's been out for just about a month, but you can now grab a copy of "Impeccable Kindness" as a paperback. It's a very meaningful project to me, as I wrote a lot of those poems as sort of an apology/reckoning with someone who I felt like I really hurt (and really hurt me). There are a few other poems scattered about in there from other times of my life. And I had to pad the poetry collection a bit as the ebook was too short to get published by Amazon's KDP program. Anyway, get a copy here.

I also love that one of the related titles is "Wed to the Barbarian." Truly I have made it!


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