New Poem: "The World Kills Beautiful Things"

I finished a poem this past week - I haven't been creative writing much lately; I keep meaning to spend a weekend catching up on everything I'd like to write. However, my brain is more often than not a bowl of oatmeal when I'm able to catch my breath, so creative writing really falls to the backburner quite easily. 

Here's the poem, on the poetry site I've been using for the past 20 years: The World Kills Beautiful Things 

This being said, I actually wrote this poem - in my head - last year. But then I never wrote it down, which happens a lot. I think in it's original iteration, it was way more rhyme-dependent, and honestly, maybe somewhat better that way. But in this version, it's more heartfelt, more true to life and my experiences on this plane. This isn't a confessional-type piece as I'm wont to do, but this is more of an exercise in just writing. I've read a lot of poetry this year - and I missed working with the lushness of words, building a mood, etc. There's a Jack Keroauc quote about this I really relate to, a la "creating mind movies." But I can't seem to find it, something I've lost with time.

Anyway, hope everyone who comes across this is doing well, thanks for reading and take care (and peep my new logo when you have a sec - it's on my Blogger profile, because apparently I'm forever trapped in 2009.)

Take care, Britt 


  1. Absolutely hits the heart of life ♥️♥️♥️

  2. Great writing Britt, the world keeps killing beautiful things and the way you depict the same through vivid imagery is amazing! It’s like having forgotten a perfect poem one once dreamt and then putting it to words sometime later, with the words coming out exactly as they’d come in the dream back then.

    1. That's an awesome way to put it Akshat. Thank you so much, I appreciate you reading.


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