Job Blog #14: August 5, 2020

Not as dead tonight (I've been incredibly sleep-deprived lately, and there was a fire across from my apartment on Monday that added some unneeded drama to my life) so I decided I would do this again. I'm trying something different toward the bottom - highlighting a friend's website who is on the search for a marketing or writing-based role.

I'm still okay, but hoping things in AZ improve at some point. It's still hard to say. I get invites to go out now and then, but I'm too scared of COVID. Gotta say, I do miss sitting outside having a beer with my friends on the warm summer evenings. Hopefully, in about a year (if not sooner), we can do that again.

For Hiring Managers, Candidates Worth Your Time 

My friend Trejon Dunkley is an extremely talented writer who is currently on the job hunt. She has experience in marketing - specifically copywrting. View her CV here

Do you want to amplify your resume/website/LinkedIn? Hit me up and I'll happily include it in the next Job Blog.

That's it for this week. I may or may not be back next week. But I will assuredly be back. :) 


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