Job Blog #10 - May 31, 2020

Going to keep this short and sweet. There's a lot of stuff going on right now, and we're at a much-needed boiling point as a nation. If you're curious how you can help, here's a good Twitter thread to check out

Going to get right to the jobs now. I've seen a few friends mentioning they are looking for work on social media, so I kept them in mind for this edition.

Check it out below:

Office Admin Assistant - Phoenix

PR and Editorial Manager @ Arizona State University - Phoenix

Housing Insecurity Reporter - Phoenix

Digital Marketing Manager - Phoenix

Social Media Editor - Remote

Transcribers - Remote (note: proceed w/ caution - I am never sure how much you can trust these things)

Digital Organizer - Remote

Writer - Remote 

Copywriter - Remote 

Sales Engineer - Remote 

Take care and stay safe,



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