Ending the Decade Like ...

Hi, so once again I dropped my writing blog like it was hot (ha, ha) this year. In my defense, I was busy, and I have found out sitting in front of a computer screen on my days off can be depressing if I don't have anything else planned for that day. 

2019 was however a solid year for me - I went back to Finland, I experienced some personal and professional growth, and, most excitingly, I began freelancing for a local arts magazine. When I moved to Phoenix eight years ago, I would frequently on Thursdays grab a copy of the Phoenix New Times and have a beer at Yucca shortly thereafter. It was my ritual for probably about a year and a half, and I still read the New Times religiously for a while once that time was over. Somewhere in the last few years, I dropped off, but I blame it on the fact my commute changed a few times, and I tire easily of having clutter around my apartment (aka I find it VERY overwhelming).

I had a goal that one day I would end up writing something for the New Times, and here we are. Fun fact: I actually was introduced to the band Panic Baby on a date gone bad (she stood me up, and I listened to them in the bar while my sympathetic friend drove over to get me.) I've only written two articles thus far, and right now I'm doing the holiday thing, but I am hoping next year to have several more under my belt.

Happy 2020. :) 


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