A Short Retrospective on January

One month in 2016, and the following has happened:

- I took up boxing again. My 2015 boxing schedule was thrown off by my travels to Pennsylvania and the depression that followed. It's been a challenge - making the lessons consistently with my schedule, lack of transportation, and other mishaps hasn't been the easiest. But, I made that commitment. And I'm honoring it. The gym is awesome and my trainer is great. I don't think I'm the best by any means, but I'm doing it more to become empowered and get into better shape. Plus, it's a lot of fun. It's awesome to realize I'm working out with a bunch of ripped guys - and it doesn't scare me at all. Boxing is also extremely meditative. I can't afford to worry about what I'm doing later when a fist is coming at my head, you know?

- I started volunteering more. I started really volunteering in 2015 at the children's hospital several times, and I've since discovered a group in Phoenix that feeds homeless folks on Sunday evenings. I've only attended one meeting so far, but I'm looking forward to checking it out again tonight.

- Professionally, things are looking WAY up. I can't express how grateful I am for my current situation. !!!!!!!!

- I've met a ton of cool new people this month. Sort of by happenstance, but I'm thankful I've crossed paths with these folks. I also did some things I've not done before - like dancing with people - and some things I haven't done in a long time - like painting.

- Writing-wise - and probably most relevant to this post - I went to a group meet-up and also had two poems rejected. It's quite all right to me; writers get rejected all the damn time. I haven't had my work critiqued or workshopped in forever, and I'm sure it shows. It's probably time to change that. Therefore, next time I head to a writing group, I'm bringing my work to be torn apart. WHICH IS TERRIFYING but that's the only way I'm going to grow ... right?

So! On that note. I'm glad January was great. My goals for February are to work on taking care of my actual body (i.e., following up with a few medical appointments I have planned) and exercising restraint and self-respect when it comes to people (i.e., focusing less on people I seem to have to fight for attention from). And to return to Toastmasters. I stopped going because I felt like a mooch for not paying my membership. :/

I think I can do it. I hope so anyway.

Take care,


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