Happy Holidaze

Yo yo yo-

Well first of all, Merry Christmas! If you celebrate that thing. Or whatever you celebrate.

I've been going back and forth about posting this (fairly autobiographical) short story I wrote some time ago (early 2014/late 2013 - it was sort of an unintended experiment). There's this whole gamut of reasons I don't post that much writing anymore, but this one I feel like ... I dunno, it's kind of homeless. And originally, I wanted it to be a play. But have you tried to ever write a play?!  I guess that's why I never seriously attempted screenwriting, either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Closing the year on a positive note. I was a bit troubled about some miscellaneous things - and way troubled by at least one thing - but I'm giving up some of my worry to believe the best will transpire. A lot of aspects of my life are looking up, and when I return to Phoenix (I'm visiting family now), I'm recommitting to a few activities I started this past year (Toastmasters, boxing, volunteering).

I'll probably update this again with that short story, just need to sit on it for a little longer. Christmas seemed like a cool day to let it in the wild, but it's personal, and vulnerability is something I uncomfortably embrace.

Take care,



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